Michael Vetter
Involved Projects and Packages
This package is based on the package 'sblim-gather' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.
The purpose of this package is to implement the DMTF CIM Metrics Model
for Linux, making it available via a CIMOM supporting/supported by the
CMPI provider interface.
While the Gatherer and it's plugins can be used standalone, the
greatest benefit comes from using it in conjuction with a CIM Object
Manager (CIMOM) like Pegasus (The Open Group). Basically it allows to
remoteley obtain performance information about a Linux system. For more
information about CIM and the CIM Metrics Model you are referred to the
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) at http://www.dmtf.org.
This package is containing the agents and control programs which can be
deployed stand-alone.
This package is based on the package 'sblim-indication_helper' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.
This package contains a developer library for helping out when writing
CMPI providers. This library polls the registered functions for data
and, if it changes, a CMPI indication is set with the values of the
indication class properties (also set by the developer).
This package is based on the package 'sblim-sfcb' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.
Small Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) is a CIM server conforming to the CIM Operations over HTTP(S) protocol. It is robust, with low resource consumption and therefore specifically suited for embedded and resource constrained environments. sfcb supports providers written against the Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI).
This package is based on the package 'sblim-sfcc' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.
Small Footprint CIM Client Library (sfcc) Runtime Libraries
Standards Based Linux Instrumentation Base Providers Test Suite
The tools-libra package provides common functionality required by
the task-specific resource access layers of wbem-smt tasks such as
cmpi-dns and cmpi-samba.
This package is based on the package 'sblim-wbemcli' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.
WBEM Command Line Interface is a standalone, command line WBEM client.
It is especially suited for basic systems management tasks as it can be
used in scripts.
all the little shell tools that dont fit in other projects
atool is a script for managing file archives of various types (tar, tar+gzip, zip, etc).
The main command is probably 'aunpack' which extracts files from an archive. It overcomes the dreaded "multiple files in archive root" problem by first extracting to a unique subdirectory, and then moving back the files if possible.
aunpack also prevents local files from being overwritten by mistake. Other commands provided are apack (for creating archives), als (for listing files in archives), and acat (for extracting files to stdout).
Crayonizer is a command-line app that "crayonizes" (i.e. colors in) the output of other command-line apps. It's written in straight-C with few dependancies.