Revisions of libqt5-creator

buildservice-autocommit committed (revision 7)
unmakeoriginolder vrev update
buildservice-autocommit committed (revision 6)
makeolder vrev update for SUSE:SLE-12-SP3:GA/libqt5-creator
Michael Schröder's avatar Michael Schröder (mlschroe) committed (revision 5)
remove _link
Stefan Behlert's avatar Stefan Behlert (sbehlert) committed (revision 4)
Update to 4.0.1 together with Qt 5.6.1 update, boo#984605
Stefan Behlert's avatar Stefan Behlert (sbehlert) committed (revision 3)
- Updated Qt to 5.6.0, a LTS release (fate#320330)

- Enabled clangcodemodel plugin in SLE12 SP2 since it includes
  a recent enough LLVM version.

- Add QtConcurrentTools to plugin-devel subpackage
- Add files with QTC_SOURCE- and QTC_BUILD-Envrionment variables to
  to /etc/profiles.d
- Remove test directory form pugin-devel
- Move docs to /usr/share/doc/packages/qt5 like alle other Qt5 docs,
  so that qtcreator.qch will be auto-detected.
- Create a new subpackage that contains the part of the source
  tree, that is relevant for building Qt creator plugins.

- Added some recommended and suggested development packages so users
  can start using Qt Creator to build new projects right after installing it.

- Update to 4.0.0 
  * For more details see:

- Also disable the clangcodemodel plugin for 13.2 since, like SLE12, it does
  not have llvm >= 3.6.
Stefan Behlert's avatar Stefan Behlert (sbehlert) committed (revision 2)
 - Updated Qt to 5.6.0, a LTS release (fate#320330)

- Replace the 'Conflict: qt-creator' line with Provides/Obsoletes
  entries before dropping qt-creator from openSUSE:Factory.

- Update to 3.6.0
  * For more details see:

- Add lldb.diff.
  lldb-* also matches lldb-mi which doesn't recognize the
  -version switch. Fixes boo#957185.
Stefan Behlert's avatar Stefan Behlert (sbehlert) committed (revision 1)
initialize package as branch
Displaying all 7 revisions
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