Revisions of rubygem-minitest

Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 28)
- updated to version 5.0.3
 * 4 minor enhancements:
   * Added Runnable.with_info_handler and Runnable.on_signal.
   * Moved io.sync restore to Reporter#run_and_report.
   * Refactored inner loop of Reporter#report to #to_s. Callable for status updates.
   * Restored MT4's mid-run report (^t). (tenderlove).
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 27)
- updated to version 5.0.2
 * 3 bug fixes:
   * Gem.find_files is smarter than I remember... cause I wrote it that way. *sigh* I'm getting old.
   * Pride wasn't doing puts through its #io. (tmiller/tenderlove)
   * Replaced Runnable#dup and Test#dup with marshal_dump/load. Too many problems cropping up on untested rails code. (tenderlove/rubys)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 26)
- updated to version 5.0.1
  * Documented Assertions' need for @assertions to be defined by the includer.
  * Only load one plugin version per name. Tries for latest.
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 25)
- updated to version 5.0.0
 * MiniTest.runner is dead. No more manager objects.
 * MiniTest::Unit#record is dead. Use a Reporter instance instead.
 * MiniTest::Unit._run_* is dead. Runnable things are responsible for their own runs.
 * MiniTest::Unit.output is dead. No more centralized IO.
 Major (oft incompatible) changes:
 * Renamed MiniTest to Minitest. Your pinkies will thank me. (aliased to MiniTest)
 * Removed MiniTest::Unit entirely. No more manager objects.
 * Added Minitest::Runnable. Everything minitest can run subclasses this.
 * Renamed MiniTest::Unit::TestCase to Minitest::Test (subclassing Runnable).
 * Added Minitest::Benchmark.
   * Your benchmarks need to move to their own subclass.
   * Benchmarks using the spec DSL have to have "Bench" somewhere in their describe.
 * MiniTest::Unit.after_tests moved to Minitest.after_tests
 * MiniTest::Unit.autorun is now Minitest.autorun. Just require minitest/autorun pls.
 * Removed ParallelEach#grep since it isn't used anywhere.
 * Renamed Runnable#__name__ to Runnable#name (but uses @NAME internally).
 * Runnable#run needs to return self. Allows for swapping of results as needed.
 Minor moves:
 * Moved Assertions module to minitest/assertions.rb
 * Moved Expectations module to minitest/expectations.rb
 * Moved Test to minitest/test.rb
 * Moved everything else in minitest/unit.rb to minitest.rb
 * minitest/unit.rb is now just a small (user-test only) compatibility layer.
 * Moved most of minitest/pride into minitest/pride_plugin.
 * minitest/pride now just activates pride.
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 24)
- updated to version 4.7.4
 This is probably the last release of the 4.x series. It will be merged
 to ruby and will be put into maintenance mode there.
 I'm not set in stone on this, but at this point further development of
 minitest (5+) will be gem-only. It is just too hard to work w/in
 ruby-core w/ test-unit compatibility holding minitest development
 * 2 minor enhancements:
   * Added count/size to ParallelEach to fix use w/in stdlib's test/unit. :( (btaitelb)
   * Allow disabling of info_signal handler in runner. (erikh)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 23)
- updated to version 4.7.3
 * 1 bug fix:
  * Reverted stubbing of module methods change. Stub the user, not the impl. (ab9/tyabe)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 22)
- updated to version 4.7.2
 * 2 bug fixes:
  * Fixed inconsistency in refute_in_delta/epsilon. I double negatived my logic. (nettsundere)
  * Fixed stubbing of module methods (eg Kernel#sleep). (steveklabnik)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 21)
- updated to version 4.7.1
 * 1 minor enhancement:
   * Added FAQ section to README
 * 1 bug fix:
   * Fixed bug where guard runs tests bypassing minitest/autorun and an ivar isn't set right. (darrencauthon)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 20)
- updated to version 4.7.0
 * 1 major enhancement:
   * Refactored MiniTest::Spec into MiniTest::Spec::DSL.
 * 1 bug fix:
   * Removed $DEBUG handler that detected when test/unit and minitest were both loaded. (tenderlove)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 19)
- updated to version 4.6.2
 * 1 minor enhancement:
   * Change error output to match Class#method, making it easier to use -n filter.
 * 1 bug fix:
   * Fixed an option processing bug caused by test/unit's irresponsibly convoluted code. (floehopper)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 18)
- updated to version 4.6.0
 * 3 major enhancements:
   * Removed ::reset_setup_teardown_hooks
   * Removed the long deprecated assert_block
   * Removed the long deprecated lifecycle hooks: add_(setup|teardown)_hook
 * 1 minor enhancement:
   * Allow filtering tests by suite name as well as test name. (lazyatom)
 * 2 bug fixes:
   * Made hex handling (eg object_ids) in mu_pp_for_diff more specific. (maxim)
   * nodoc top-level module. (zzak)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 17)
- updated to version 4.5.0
 * 1 major enhancement:
   * Rearranged minitest/unit.rb so NO parallelization code is loaded/used until you opt-in.
 * 4 minor enhancements:
   * Added TestCase#skipped? for teardown guards
   * Added maglev? guard
   * Document that record can be sent twice if teardown fails or errors (randycoulman)
   * Errors in teardown are now recorded. (randycoulman)
 * 3 bug fixes:
   * Added hacks and skips to get clean test runs on maglev
   * Modified float tests for maglev float output differences. Not sure this is right. Not sure I care.
   * Test for existance of diff.exe instead of assuming they have devkit. (blowmage/Cumbayah)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 16)
- updated to version 4.4.0
 * 3 minor enhancements:
   * Added fit_logarithic and assert_performance_logarithmic. (ktheory)
   * Merge processed options so others can mess with defaults. (tenderlove)
   * TestCase#message can now take another proc to defer custom message cost. (ordinaryzelig/bhenderson)
 * 1 bug fix:
   * TestCase#passed? now true if test is skipped. (qanhd)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 15)
- updated to version 4.3.3
 * Updated information about stubbing. (daviddavis)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 14)
- updated to version 4.3.2
  * Improved assert_equals error message to point you at #== of member objects. (kcurtin)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 13)
- updated to version 4.3.1
   * Moved test_children to serial testcase to prevent random failures.
 * 4 minor enhancements:
   * Allow #autorun to run even if loaded with other test libs that call exit. (sunaku)
   * Do not include Expectations in Object if $MT_NO_EXPECTATIONS is set (experimental?)
   * Gave some much needed love to assert_raises.
   * Mock#expect can take a block to custom-validate args. (gmoothart)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 12)
- updated to version 4.2.0
 * 4 major enhancements:
   * Added minitest/hell - run all your tests through the ringer!
   * Added support for :parallel test_order to run test cases in parallel.
   * Removed last_error and refactored runner code to be threadsafe.
   * _run_suites now runs suites in parallel if they opt-in.
 * 4 minor enhancements:
   * Added TestCase#synchronize
   * Added TestCase.make_my_diffs_pretty!
   * Added TestCase.parallelize_me!
   * Lock on capture_io for thread safety (tenderlove)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 11)
- updated to version 4.1.0
* 2 minor enhancements:
   * Added skip example to readme. (dissolved)
   * Extracted backtrace filter to object. (tenderlove)
 * 1 bug fix:
   * OMG I'm so dumb. Fixed access to deprecated hook class methods. I hate ruby modules. (route)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 10)
- updated to version 4.0.0
 * 1 major enhancement:
   * The names of a privately-used undocumented constants are Super Importantâ„¢.
 * 1 minor enhancement:
   * Support stubbing methods that would be handled via method_missing. (jhsu)
 * 3 bug fixes:
   * Add include_private param to MiniTest::Mock#respond_to? (rf-)
   * Fixed use of minitest/pride with --help. (zw963)
   * Made 'No visible difference.' message more clear. (ckrailo)
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 9)
- updated to version 3.5.0
 * 1 minor enhancement:
   * Added #capture_subprocess_io. (route)
Displaying revisions 61 - 80 of 88
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