Revisions of yaru-theme

Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 69)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 68)
- Update to version 21.10.2:
  * New upstream snapshot for GTK4 (#3275)
  * Add new upstream symbolics (#3274)
  * New upstream symbolic icons list for gnome-control-center symbolics (#3272)
  * New upstream symbolic icons list for Adwaita symbolics (#3273)
  * Drop grey selected rows (#3271)
  * phosh symbolics + missing symbolics (#3260)
  * Drop grey scale assets (#3268)
  * Render Gtk2 dark assets
  * Render Gtk3 and Gtk4 assets
  * Render Gtk2 assets
  * Render assets-external
  * Fix render assets script
  * Replace aubergine by orange in some icons (#3265)
  * Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0 (#3266)
  * Revert "update gtk2 and gtk3 assets"
  * update gtk2 and gtk3 assets
  * remove aubergine from gnome-shell switches and checkboxes
  * remove secondary accent bg color, rename primary
  * remove useless backdrop styling
  * Adapt gtk4 sliders and close button
  * Remove aubergine from sliders, switches and checks
  * New upstream snapshot for GTK4 (#3259)
  * phosh: auth_sim_icon  (#3258)
  * Add org.gnome.Usage-symbolic symlink symbolic icon (#3256)
  * Sync check assets with upstream (#3255)
  * New upstream symbolic icons list for gnome-usage symbolics (#3250)
  * New upstream snapshot for GTK4 (#3253)
  * Use $success instead of $suggested (#3252)
  * New upstream snapshot for GTK4 (#3251)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 67)
- Update to version 20.04.11:
  * Update Gtk2 assets render scripts (#2816)
  * fixed assets.svg in gtk2 dark (#2817)
  * Add all missing symbolics icons (#2806)
  * New upstream icons list for Adwaita symbolics (#2811)
  * Adding full colour device icon for computer (#2786)
  * Fix app grid folder border-radius (#2803)
  * New upstream snapshot for GNOME Shell (#2790)
  * New upstream snapshot for Libhandy (#2791)
  * Sync libhandy with master (#2792)
  * Improve logging
  * Fix format with Black utility
  * 100 papercuts
  * Use multiple instances of inkscape
  * Refactored main function
  * Rework global variables
  * Add logging facility
  * SVGRect class clean up
  * Wrap SVG file parsing in a proper function
  * Minimal rework of the main function
  * Replace deprecated optparse with argparse
  * Add todo items
  * Update render-cursors script for inkscape 1.0 (#2782)
  * Adding Yaru icon for gparted (if it's a default app now) (#2776)
  * Update audio-speaker-* icons purple (#2775)
  * Add Winetricks fullcolor icon (#2774)
  * New upstream icons list for Adwaita symbolics (#2767)
  * Check upstream icons changes (#2743)
  * New upstream snapshot for GNOME Shell (#2744)
  * New upstream snapshot for GTK4 (#2731)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 66)
- Update to version 20.04.6:
  * use colored radio/check buttons in menu (#2167)
  * adding full colour app icon for accessories-dictionary (#2157)
  * Revert "use default adwaita button padding"
  * use default adwaita button padding
  * gnome-shell: Use $osd_fg_color for all the login messages (#2152)
  * releasing package yaru-theme version 20.04.5
  * update changelog for release 20.04.5
  * adding dialog-warning and symlinks (#2143)
  * suggested (more yaru-style) icon for extensions (#2145)
  * Adding missing symlinks for extensions app (#2142)
  * Adding symbols for system-reboot and system-log-out (#2118)
  * shell/switcher-popup: improve contrast of highlighted app (#2138)
  * gnome-shell/calendar: do not change color of day with events (#2133)
  * do not extend compound selectors in gtk-3.0 (#2135)
  * gnome-shell/calendar: darken event dot (#2132)
  * Remove new legacy icons and include some from Humanity (#2127)
  * onboarding: add bootstrap bash script (#2122)
  * do not use compound selectors (#2125)
  * tweaks: outline for tabs (#2117)
  * Updating symbols for Tweaks and Configurator (#2116)
  * apps/nautilus: fix dim-label in selection and backdrop (#2113)
  * gnome-shell-theme.gresource: Use proper icons subdirectories
  * Gnome shell upstream updates pulled into src
  * New upstream snapshot for GNOME Shell Resources
  * Fix legacy 16x16 mail icons twisted paths (#2101)
  * apps/nautilus: style icon view caption labels (#2102)
  * yaru-theme-gnome-shell.{preinst,postinst,prerm}: Install gdm3-theme.gresource alternative
  * gnome-shell-theme.gresource: Set gdm3.css theme alias
  * Adding emblems to 32px folders (#2088)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 65)
- Update to version 20.04.1:
  * apps/nautilus: make infobar more visible
  * headerbar: fix missing states in suggested button outline (#2040)
  * Gtk3: darken progressbar border colors (#2039)
  * Clean up third party app styling (#2036)
  * headerbar: custom outline for suggested-action button
  * Dark gt3k theme: darken $borders_color by 2% (#2032)
  * GNOME Shell generate gresource
  * Fix headerbar button regression caused by #2010 (#2029)
  * ShellTheme: reduce diff in drawing and app-grid (#2027)
  * adding snap store category symbols for reference and education (#2023)
  * shell: tile-preview has straight corners in Yaru (#2022)
  * Change shell spinner from blue to #f7f7f7 (#2020)
  * switch: stronger disabled state in default and light variants
  * ShellTheme: colorize app grid rename dialog label (#2018)
  * Gtk3: Make level bars green that aren't low (#2015)
  * Adapt gtk2 to gtk3 (#2013)
  * adding missing full colour status actions for software-updater (#2011)
  * Gtk3: headerbar button fixes (#2010)
  * Shell theme: Provide a Yaru process-working asset (#2009)
  * adding preferences-ubuntu-panel-symbolic icon (#2004)
  * Improve full colour audio-speakers icon (#1991)
  * New upstream snapshot for GTK (#2005)
  * Shell theme upstream fixes (#1997)
  * gtk: color update for gtk 3 and gtk 2 assets
  * Updated documentation (#1935)
  * nautilus: use destructive color for "stop loading" floating button
  * Tweaks.scss: notebook tab improvements (#1995)
  * Remove input gaming legacy (#1992)
  * light themes: slightly brighten up shell and gtk popovers (#1987)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 64)
- Update to version 20.04.1:
  * Finalise changelog
  * changelog: Wrap long lines
  * Version is 20.04.1
  * clean up changelog
  * prepare for release 20.04
  * New upstream snapshot for GTK
  * Added icons for mimetype inode-symlink
  * OSD button styling
  * adding full colour icon for drive-multidisk
  * making backplate oblong to match symbol
  * Use old linkcolor in dark theme
  * adding full colour status --> avatar-default
  * Common: change outline raddi for linked classes
  * Outline radii fixes and tweaks cleanup
  * full colour app icon for bluetooth
  * improving position of hotspot on arrow cursors
  * Special case switch focus
  * Update _apps.scss
  * improving contrast on transmission
  * adding missing versions of hand cursors
  * changing hand cursors to white hands
  * updating open folder to have same edging as closed folder at 48px and 48*2px
  * common: fix backdrop link color
  * tweaks: notebook tabs minor color adjustments
  * tweaks: notebook tab use normal font-weight
  * Use popover_hover_color instead
  * Hover for treeview
  * Sligtly lighten up the headerbar border for the dark theme
  * tweaks: fix tab text backdrop color
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 63)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 62)
- Update to version 19.10.4:
  * updating categories
  * icons: sync battery icons in source symbolic
  * icons: fix warning color on battery icon 30/40 perc
  * Empty class declaration, as in dash to dock
  * removing remmina icons from Yaru
  * fix dock background opacity to dynamic
  * Lighten headerbar border-color for the dark theme
  * icons: swap weather-showers-scattered with weather-showers symbolic
  * changing document-export from red to blue arrow
  * Remove text and iconshadows for headerbar and btns
  * Add a color for the finger print label
  * more legacy buttons: document-export, document-import, document-open-recent, document-revert
  * script: Add sync script for Nautilus
  * Medica optical changes
  * Gtk3 upstream refresh containing...
  * adding panel icon for remmina
  * index.theme: remove non-existent entries from Directory field
  * adding missing icon for weather-few-clouds-symbolic
  * favorite-new-symbolic, emblem-system-symbolic, application-x-addon-symbolic, and volume-warning-symbolic
  * Increase blue darkening by 4%
  * Remove the dedicated hb styling from tweaks
  * Darken progress blue in dark themes
  * fixing 22px document-print
  * new full colour device icon for printer
  * tweaking improved document-print icon at 22 and 24px
  * tweaking improved document-print icon at 22px
  * adding improved document-print icons
  * gtk2: use same color for menu in gtk2 and gtk3
  * new full colour legacy actions for documents
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 61)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 60)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 59)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 58)
- Update to version 19.10.4:
  * shell: install both variants in alt themes dir
  * shell: do not use absolute symlinks
  * shell: enable shell variant switch
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 57)
- Update to version 19.10.4+20191020.909c1e56:
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 56)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 55)
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 54)
- Update to version 19.10.1+20191020.909c1e56:
  * Update
  * application view: style rename-folder popup
  * apps: fix typo
  * When building with communitheme_compat, link the light variant
  * When building with communitheme_compat, link the dark varient as well
  * headerbar: add mixed style to button.popup.toggle button
  * symbolic icon for evince
  * revised design for evince
  * adding new icon for evince
  * Finalise changelog
  * changelog: prepare for release 19.10.4
  * apps: Fix invisible menuitems in Firefox under Yaru-ambiance
  * apps: limit scrolledwindow backdrop opacity to Nautilus only
  * releasing package yaru-theme version 19.10.3
  * Fix d/copyright CC:By-SA license
  * Fix changelog
  * Release master from master
  * headerbar: fixed backdrop separator color
  * Update changelog for release 19.10.3
  * Only install light, default, dark with symlinks.
  * headerbar: testing again bg color #323030
  * headerbar: use -dark variant button and entry's backdrop border in ambiance
  * ambiance-dark: revert use headerbar sass in place of tweaks
  * Terminal and ambiance fixes
  * inverted headerbar
  * ambiance-dark: use headerbar sass in place of tweaks
  * headerbar: tentative drop of light effect on headerbar's button
  * build: add missing entries for ambiance dark
  * ambiance-dark: add dark variant of ambiance
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 53)
- Update to version 19.10.1+20190910.d0601dc5:
  * apps: Fix Nautilus floating-bar background
  * apps: Restyle Nautilus floating-bar
  * Round edges for desktop icons
  * Change Audio volume change
  * Adapt shell toggle to gtk switch
  * Nautilus custom code
  * Re-add adwaita custom code for search entries
  * Use fg_color for hovered menuitems
  * Refactor draw_circle
  * Lighten up dark theme hb boder 1% more
  * Adapt ubiquity to the new light theme
  * Close button changes
  * Revert back to #e7eaed
  * Remove nautilus css that stopped working
  * Yaru app gtk theme code changes
  * New @madsrh hb bg color
  * adding white dot symbol for record
  * Change shell active gray
  * tweaking lighting on file manager handles
  * Hover/Active color changes
  * Terminal additions
  * OSDkeyboard asset changes
  * Color changes
  * Use @madsrh headerbar bg colors and border
  * Adapt gtk2 menu colors
  * Green enter key, white enter asset
  * FIx asset paths and blue shift keys
  * Light hb in light theme
  * improving top highlight on LO app icons
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 52)
- Update to version 19.10.1+20190825.c2548032:
  * Use correct paths + improve SVGs
  * Provide yaru checkboxes for the dark shell
  * Provide yaru checkbox assets for the shell
  * Finalise changelog
  * changelog: update for upcoming 19.10.1 release
  * Minor upstream fixes
  * Adapt 2px focus border to shell changes
  * Adapt search entry focus
  * Adapt 2px focus border to buttons
  * Prevend entry height jumping
  * Network-workgroup icon
  * Add new simpe-scan symlinks
  * Sharpen the headerbarswitchborder
  * Move the fix to _tweaks
  * Add TODO comment to remove the diff
  * Fix selected row slider border
  * Switches +headerbar Switches
  * gnome-shell: Sync scss with upstream changes for 3.34
  * Fix appmenus
  * improved LO 256px icons
  * Fixing headerbar
  * updating camera-app-symbolic, filemanager-app-symbolic, jockey-symbolic and source-symbolic
  * icon for jockey
  * Fix headerbars that are not titlebars
  * Update from upstream
  * Update from upstream via carlos script
  * Fix suggested and destructive action btns
  * Fix appmenu being not flat
  * Remove icon and text shadow for headerbar elements
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 51)
- Update to version 19.04.2+20190719.efdb2ae9:
  * adwaita-sync-script: fix root path
  * Add script to help sync upstream gtk folder
  * adding full colour version of drive-removable-media-symbolic
  * new symbolic icons for application-x-appliance and applications-science
  * apps.scss: Nemo remove nautilus tweaks
Dead Mozay's avatar Dead Mozay (Dead_Mozay) committed (revision 50)
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 69
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