Revisions of gramps

Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 47)
- Update to 5.2.2
  - Updated translations: cs, de, de_AT, es, fi, he, hr, nb, nl,
    pl, ru, sk, sv, tr.
  - Hebrew relationship calculator not loading. Fixes #13251.
  - Narweb: Person object has no get_father_handle. Fixes #13207.
  - Package Gramps 5.2.1 on macOS.
  - Restrict CI workflow to run on a single branch.
  - Don’t show Navigation when we print a page. Fixes #13160.
- Changes from 5.2.1
  - Updated translations: de_AT, fi, fr, ga, he, it, nb_NO, pl, sk,
    sr, tr, uk, zh_Hans.
  - Fix error when installing an addon that will not be registered.
    Fixes #13233.
  - Allow experimental and beta plugins to be registered.
    Fixes #13232.
  - Tidy up the README file.
  - Fix fan charts on HiDPI screens.
  - Replace PIL with Pillow in the README. Issue #10016.
  - Fix the `Tag.is_empty()` method. The `Tag.is_empty()` method
    was returning the inverse of the expected value. Fixes #12579.
  - Cannot create Place with coordinates via Geography. Fixes #13228.
  - Fix place title when place names use open spans. Fixes #13222.
  - Fix the addon translator language for core translations.
    Fixes #13221.
  - Update AIO minimum Windows version requirement to 8.1 64-bit.
  - Prevent unwanted output in unit test logs.
  - Fix unit tests when run with Python 3.12. Fixes #13212.
  - Revert Death fallback symbol from Latin Cross to “+”.
  - Change the cross mark and check mark symbols used in the
    Addon Manager Requirements screen to be valid characters on
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 46)
- Update to 5.1.6
  - Update copyright date.
  - Narrative web: problem with small pictures. Fixes #12884.
  - Implement the “<CTRL>J” for the family view. Fixes #12882.
  - Avoid application crash on invalid user input.
    If the user inputs an invalid date this change keeps the
    application from crashing. The invalid date information is 
    reported to the user in the log. Fixes #12658.
  - Fix export where private citations are excluded.
  - Fix Event Compare tool to display enclosed places properly.
  - Check that view exists before calling post_create method.
    Avoids ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘post_create’ error. 
    Fixes #12638.
  - Fix a wrong operator bug in the web calendar report.
  - Revert “Enclose tree report image path and file name in braces”
    due to reports of regression where processing of the generated
    TeX file fails due to bad path specification for image files.
    Fixes #12437 and #12697.
  - Geography View: Fix number of arguments in add_bookmark method.
    Fixes #12718.
  - Use date-specific place in report substitution variables.
    Fix place title in graphical reports which have user-defined
    display formats to use date-specific alternate name.
    This impacts the Ancestor Tree, Descendant Tree, and Family
    Descendant Tree reports. Fixes #12763.
  - Try to import berkeleydb if bsddb3 isn’t found. berkelydb is
    usable for python >= 3.6 and required for python >= 3.10.
  - HtmlDoc: Create a unique filename for cropped images.
  - Fix corrupted NOTE tag in Gedcom export. Remove Python2 code
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 45)
- Update to 5.1.5
  - Update translations: de, pl, sv, zh_CN.
  - Remove Travis CI configuration.
  - Fix badges in README file.
  - Update copyright date.
  - Strange behavior for the scrollbar in the bottombar. Fixes #12438.
  - Fix place object element order in DTD and RNG schemas. Element
    placeobj content does not follow the DTD and RNG, expecting
    (ptitle? , pname+). Fixes #12500.
  - Solve InterpolationSyntaxError if “%” in a string. 
    The grampletpane module saves data in a config file for all the
    gramplets added in the dashboard. The python configparser module
    doesn’t like if we have a “%” character in a string. Fixes #12423.
  - ‘<‘ not supported between 2 instances of IndexMark. Fixes #12467.
  - Remove debug statements in unit tests.
  - Fix negative Span when dates are not Gregorian. Fixes #12525.
  - Incorrect grouping if no ma/patronymic surname.
  - Group As override is ignored for ma/patronymic surnames. Fixes #12395.
  - See:
  - Add comments for the lat-lon field of editplace.
  - Place editor, lat and long text are swapped. Fixes #12374.
  - Fix Statusbar progress being shown before use. Fixes #12373.
  - Fix exception when removing a group name in Sqlite db when
    group name is already missing. Fixes #12367.
  - Fix error when trying to close name editor during long name
    group mapping view rebuild. Fixes #12328.
  - OsmGpsMap-CRITICAL: Map source setup called twice Fixes #12352.
  - Fix probably alive function unit test.
  - Use GitHub Actions to run continuous integration checks.
  - Mac:
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 44)
- Update to 5.1.4
  - Update translations: cs, de, es, fi, fr, hu, nl, pt_BR, ru, sv, zh_CN.
  - Update copyright date.
  - Fix probably alive if death without date.
  - Place editor, copy and paste of lat and long text no longer
    auto-populating latitude and longitude fields.
  - Fix for crash when changing views if part of toolbar is not
    shown because of a small screen when changing views.
  - Fix bottombar always showing after restart, even when not wanted.
  - Always use filtered collation names. Store the Sqlite3 collations
    in the __collations array to short-circuit re-creation.
  - Fix issue with German relation calculator fixed issue when more
    than 24 generations between the two people.
  - Add file logging for macOS. When Gramps is launched from macOS’s
    LaunchServices it doesn’t have a sys.stderr attached so the default
    stream logger goes to /dev/null. Use a FileHandler in tht case,
    writing the log to $TMPDIR/gramps-pid.log. This will help particularly
    in analyzing crashes where python shuts down as there’s no crash report in that case.
  - Fix libplaceview to avoid exception when mapservice is no longer present.
  - Fix References Gramplet for inadequate updates when other objects change.
  - Fix geofamily crash if a family has no father.
  - Home Person setting does not convey in a merge.
  - Fix CSV export of view to only put single CR character.
  - Add Media filter rule ‘HasMedia’ to list of media rules for editor.
  - Need to set locale.textdomain under linux. _build_popup_ui()
    ignores translated strings without locale.textdomain set.
  - Change category of ‘MatchesEventFilter’.
  - Fix issue where separator between top and bottom bar of View creeps up.
  - Fix Locations Gramplet (Enclosed by) to properly display certain
    nested places when the smallest place has undated enclosure and
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 43)
- Update to 5.1.3
  - Update ca, de, fi, fr, ja, pl, ru, sl, sv, uk, zh_CN translation
  - Events View: “Main Participants” column does not show the full list
    of participants when expanded.
  - mac/gramps.modules: Use current Gtk release instead of Gtk-3.14.
  - mac/gramps.modules: Upgrade pymodules for Python 3.8 compatibility.
  - Fix XML export when ‘Group-as” name contains XML invalid chars
  - Fix NarWeb: Province place-type is not displayed
  - Fix ManagedWindow so that new windows don’t appear offscreen when
  - system ‘screen’ sizes change in part time multi-monitor setups.
  - Fix menus when db fails to open due to upgrade/downgrade etc.
  - Fix issue with attach source tool, results panel
  - Fix GEDCOM export; don’t include ADDR when address is missing
  - EditPlace: Allow Coordinates containing a comma instead of a period
  - NarrativeWeb:
    - Should show patronymic in individuals.
      In the individuals and in surnames pages, we should show the
      complete name like defined in the display tab from the narrative web
    - Fix Narrated Website Google Maps Output JS Warning SensorNotRequired
    - Fix incorrect link type for osm css files
    - Fix image size limit doesn’t match tooltip
  - Update all translations for changes from ‘Default’ to ‘Home’ Person
  - Change GUI references to ‘Home Person’ instead of ‘Default Person’
  - Use event attribute types in the event reference editor.
    In the event reference editor, custom event attribute types should
    be used rather than the default person attribute types.
  - Fix Verify tool bug caused by bad change in GObject introspection
  - Fix RemoveUnused tool for crash caused by Gtk introspection bug
  - Fix import test for change cause by previous change which was:
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 42)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 41)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 40)
- Update to 5.1.1
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 39)
- Fix build errors in Leap 15.1 with Sphinx. 
  Add BuildRequires python3-attrs.
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 38)
- update to 5.0.1
  Maintenance release.
  Full changelog at:
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 37)
- update to 5.0.0
  - Correct binary test logic for primary mask.
  - Fix BaseSelector to avoid long delay before display on large 
  - Export options > Gui alignment issue.
  - Fix dialog button order on non-Mac systems.
  - Update Debian directory after Gramps 5.0.0-rc1 release.
  - Fix Custom filter update when created via sidebar.
  - Fix Gramplet configure (View/Configure) for large options.
  - Fix IndexError crash in Statistics Charts.
  - [Mac] Change accel for Undo History. So that it doesn’t 
    conflict with a system binding for hiding the window.
  - Fix Family Lines/Family Colors picker for bad transient parent.
  - Fix import_as_dict to utilize user gramps_id prefixes.
  - Fix error when opening bsddb db in read-only mode.
  - Fix dbapi dbs for closeing read-only db crash.
  - Fix menus when operating with read-only db.
  - Fix Name formats to show all parts.
  - Fix dialogs for crash when canceling via ‘x’.
  - Remove obsolete omeat-python-modules dependencies.
  - Update translations: cs, da, de, en_GB, eo, fi, hu, is, it, nb, 
    pt_BR, ru, sk, uk, vi
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 36)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 35)
- update to 4.2.8
  - Fix Geography views for bad ‘dbstate.is_open()’ test
- changes from 4.2.7
  - Fix Export View to CSV when Unicode characters are present
  - Fix several intl date displayers for missing parameter
  - DescendantTree report; fix crashes and Title spacing
  - Fix Book XML handler to deal with unusual characters in Book 
  - Add support for new genealogy tree report category
  - Fix Media Preview Gramplet for closed db
  - Suport FTM 2017 Gedcom tags on import
  - Fix Person, Family Sidebar Filters to add custom Event types
  - Fix QuestionDialog display for html like characters in title
  - Fix FamilyRelationshpType _DATAMAP order to correspond with 
  - Fix Gedcom import for illegal Gedcom Family Attributes
  - Fix Gedcom export for bad Hebrew Months
  - Change INSTALL to replace ‘python’ with ‘python3 for script 
  - Fix CSV importer for place event name using gramps_id
  - Fix Geography view ‘Find’ when db is closed
  - Fix interactive search for exception on click then down arrow
  - Create where_is utility to locate a binary in the standard
  - Fix relationship Graph so Unicode chars on Multiple pages works
  - Update authors file
  - Fix Gedcom import for “1 MARR Y” issue
  - Fix Export Web Family Tree for errors on file write
  - Fix Citation Editor to Tab out of Confidence ComboBox
  - Reset the dependencies on the new meta-module
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 34)
- update to 4.2.6
  + Fix HasCitation rule in citation filter sidebar
  + Fix use of regular expressions
  + Date Editor had 'Type' and 'Quality' labels swapped
  + Fix FamilyGroup Report
  + Fix names not displayed in relationship graph
  + Fix outdated Bugtracker link in reporting wizard
  + Fix replacements in Ancestor tree
  + Fix Default Browser Setting
  + Fix linking place on OpenStreetMap view
  + Fix Family Lines Report having unescaped characters
  + Fix non-local character in DB name (Windows OS)
  + Fix checking for "event.string" in "treeview_keypress"
  + Fix invalid February 29th date in Julian dual-dated
  + Fix Note on CIR when it is attached to a 
    (preferred or alternative) name through the names dialog.
  + Improve time loading for person selector in census forms
  + Fix incorrect SoundEx result
  + Fix Error printing on ancestor tree graphical report
  + Fix custom filter creation with 'Events occurring on 
    a particular day of the week'
  + Bug in the Name Editor / Group As
  + Gramps CSV export of Places did not generate correct Title.
  + Add custom Family Relations not shown in the filter siderbar
  + Fix non-textual value on Tag report
  + Fix 'interface.dont-ask' config key ignored on Note edition
  + Fix Reorder Relationships dialog
  + Shrink size of Break Lock (and other QuestionDialogs)
  + Only selection of Active or Home person if commited
  + Fix quick search exception when nothing in searched list
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 33)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 32)
- update to 4.2.5
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 31)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 30)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 29)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) committed (revision 28)
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 47
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