Revisions of gnss-sdr

Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1150194 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 88)
- Added a patch gnss-sdr-fix-for-glog070.patch to fix build for
  Tumbleweed after glog update
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1141786 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 87)
- Updated to relase
  * Fix formatting of CITATION.cff file.
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1141612 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 86)
- Updated to relase 0.0.19
  * Improvements in Efficiency:
    + Fixed some performance inefficiencies detected by Coverity Scan.
  * Improvements in Interoperability:
    + Added a new PVT configuration boolean flag (flag_geohash_log_out)
      that enables or disables the Position Geohash tag output in INFO
      log files. Set to false by default.
    + New fields have been added to the custom output stream defined
      by monitor_pvt.proto:
      . utc_time (a RFC 3339 datetime string),
      . velocity in the local ENU frame (vel_e, vel_n, and vel_u), in m/s,
      . the course over ground, cog, in degrees,
      . the status of the Galileo's High Accuracy Service, galhas_status:
        0: HAS data not available
        1: HAS Corrections applied
      . geohash, an encoded geographic location.
  * Improvements in Maintainability:
    + Removed useless casts and shadowed variables, improving
      source code readability.
  * Improvements in Portability:
    + Updated local cpu_features library to v0.9.0.
    + volk_gnsssdr: fix syntax for Python 3.12 without breaking
      backward compatibility with Python 2.7.
    + Fixed linking against GNU Radio v3.10.9.1.
    + Make use of new API if linking against VOLK >= 3.1.
    + Fixed undefined behavior in volk_gnsssdr arising from
      incompatibility between complex numbers in C and C++.
    + Now build system paths are not leaked when cross-compiling.
    + Enabled building using macOS Sonoma and arm64 processor
  * Improvements in Repeatability:
    + A Kalman filter is now available in the PVT block,
      smoothing the outputs of a simple Least Squares solution
      and improving the precision of delivered fixes. It can be
      enabled by setting PVT.enable_pvt_kf=true in the
      configuration file. The user can set values for the
      measurement and process noise covariances with the
      following optional parameters (here with their default values):
      PVT.kf_measures_ecef_pos_sd_m=1.0, in [m]; PVT.kf_measures
      _ecef_vel_sd_ms=0.1, in [m/s]; PVT.kf_system_ecef_pos_sd_m=2.0,
      in [m]; and PVT.kf_system_ecef_vel_sd_ms=0.5, in [m/s].
  * Improvements in Scalability:
    + Fixed some potential data race conditions detected by
      Coverity Scan.
  * Improvements in Usability:
    + The Galileo E1B Reduced CED parameters usage has been set
      to false by default. You can activate its usage with
      Galileo_E1B_Telemetry_Decoder=true in your configuration file.
    + The generation of Galileo E6B observables has been disabled
      if the user sets PVT.use_e6_for_pvt=false, fixing the PVT
      computation in some multi-band configurations.
    + Fix bug in the custom binary output (PVT.enable_monitor=true)
      output rate. Before this fix, it was outputting data every
      20 ms, instead of observing the PVT.output_rate_ms setting.
    + Now the program exits properly if a SIGINT signal is
      received (e.g., the user pressing Ctrl+C, or another user
      application sending an interruption signal).
    + The estimated CN0 value is now printed in the terminal when
      navigation data is successfully decoded.
    + Fixed GPS navigation message satellite validation.
    + Latitude and longitude are now reported in the terminal
      with six decimal places (the sixth decimal place worths up
      to 0.11 m), instead of the overkilling nine (the ninth
      decimal place worths up to 110 microns). Similarly, height
      in meters is now reported with two decimal places instead
      of three, and velocity in m/s also with two decimal places
      instead of three.
    + Fixed the rate at which KLM, GPX, GeoJSON, and NMEA
      annotations are made. The rate is now set by 
      PVT.output_rate_ms (500 ms by default), and can be
      particularized by PVT.kml_rate_ms, PVT.gpx_rate_ms,
      PVT.geojson_rate_ms, and PVT.nmea_rate_ms. Those values
      should be multiples of PVT.output_rate_ms, or the least
      common multiple will be taken.
- patch gnss-sdr-fix-build-with-latest-gnuradio.patch removed
  (applied upstream)
- gnMAX support patch rebased and renamed to 
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1137156 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 85)
- added a patch gnss-sdr-fix-build-with-latest-gnuradio.patch to
  fix build with GNU Radio 3.10.9
- workaround: disabled pdf doc build for all distros
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1121658 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 84)
- Googletest updated to release 1.14.0
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1117063 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 80)
- Added a patch gnss_synchro_monitor_reduce_cpu_consumption.patch
  reducing CPU load if monitoring is enabled (taken from commit #662
  not accepted yet)
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1078153 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 79)
- Updated to relase 0.0.18
  * Improvements in Accuracy:
    + Processing and application of the corrections provided by the
      Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) to the PVT solution. It
      requires at least a Galileo E1 (or E5a) + Galileo E6B
      configuration. A new configuration parameter PVT.use_has_corrections,
      set to true by default, can be used to deactivate the application
      of HAS corrections but still retrieve the HAS data if set to false.
  * Improvements in Availability:
    + Fixed bug that made the PVT block to not resolve position anymore
      after a loss of samples event.
    + Improved non-coherent acquisition when Acquisition_XX.blocking=false.
    + Implemented processing of BeiDou PRN 34 up to PRN 63 signals.
    + Implemented Hamming code correction for Glonass navigation message.
    + Now the first iteration of the PVT computation is initialized by
      the Bancroft method. This allows to get PVT fixes in some unusual
      geometries (e.g., GNSS-like signals transmitted by LEO satellites).
      This initialization is performed by default. You can opt-out by
      setting PVT.bancroft_init=false in your configuration file.
  * Improvements in Interoperability:
    + Enabled PVT computation in the Galileo E5a + E5b receiver. Observables
      reported in the RINEX file.
    + Fixed PVT computation in the Galileo E5b-only receiver.
    + Get E6B observables and PVT solutions in the Galileo E1B + E6B receiver.
      Decoding of HAS messages as described in the HAS SIS ICD v1.0.
      Generation of RTCM 3.2 messages from the received HAS messages in
      the IGS State Space Representation (SSR) Format. Specifically, it
      generates messages of type IGM01 (SSR Orbit Correction), IGM02
      (SSR Clock Correction), IGM03 (SSR Combined Orbit and Clock
      Correction), and IGM05 (SSR Code Bias).
    + Added a ZMQ_Signal_Source for working with streams of samples
      published via ZeroMQ.
    + Fixed register unpacking for Labsat3W files in Labsat_Signal_Source.
      This fix is only available if gnss-sdr is linked against Boost >= 1.58.0.
  * Improvements in Maintainability:
    + The now archived GPSTk toolkit, used in some optional tests and
       applications, has been replaced by the new GNSSTk C++ Library.
       Compatibility with the former GPSTk toolkit is maintained.
  * Improvements in Portability:
    + Improved detection of the BLAS library under macOS / Macports
      (the lapack port dependency installed with the +openblas variant
      does not install blas but openblas, which is used as a replacement
      if blas is not found).
    + Removed duplicated files in the Secure User Plane Location
      implementation, which caused issues when linking with some compilers.
    + Added support for Xilinx's Zynq UltraScale+ devices (requires the
      -DENABLE_FPGA=ON building option).
    + Fixed running time error if the gnss-sdr binary and/or the
      GNU Radio libraries were built with the -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS
      compiler option. This is added by default in some GNU/Linux
      distributions (e.g., ArchLinux and Fedora).
    + Fixed linking against libunwind when the glog library is built locally.
    + The configuration options at building time -DENABLE_OWN_GLOG,
      switched ON and OFF without the need to start from an
      empty buiding folder.
    + Improved CMake handling of the spdlog library used
      by GNU Radio >= 3.10.
    + Make use of the C++20 standard if the environment allows for it.
    + Improved passing of compiler flags to volk_gnsssdr if the
      corresponding environment variables are defined. This fixes
      warnings in some packaging systems.
    + Improved support for the RISC-V architecture.
    + Test files are now donwloaded at configuration time instead
      of being included in the source tree. This allows for a
      smaller package and fixes Lintian very-long-line-length-in-source-file
      warnings since those files were not recognized as binaries.
      The configuration flag -DENABLE_PACKAGING=ON passed to
      CMake deactivates file downloading.
    + The ENABLE_GENERIC_ARCH building option was removed,
      simplifying the process of buiding the software in
      non-x86 processor architectures.
    + If the Protocol Buffers dependency is not found, it is
      downloaded, built and statically linked at buiding time.
      If CMake >= 3.13 and the Abseil C++ libraries >= 20230117
      are installed on your system, Protocol Buffers v22.2 will
      be used. If those requirements are not met, Protocol
      Buffers v21.4 will be used instead (requires autotools).
    + Fixes for GCC 13 and Clang 16.
  * Improvements in Usability:
    + Fixed large GLONASS velocity errors and the extended
      correlator when using the GLONASS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_C_Aid_Tracking
      and GLONASS_L2_CA_DLL_PLL_C_Aid_Tracking implementations.
    + The UHD_Signal_Source learned a new parameter otw_format
      for setting the over-the-wire data format (that is, the
      format used between the device and the UHD) in some devices,
      thus allowing to select the sc8 format instead of the
      default sc16. This would reduce the dynamic range and
      increase quantization noise, but also reduces the load on
      the data link and thus allows for more bandwidth.
    + The UHD_Signal_Source learned another two optional parameters:
      device_recv_frame_size and device_num_recv_frames for
      overriding transport layer defaults.
    + Added gain setting and reading for the XTRX board when
      using the Osmosdr_Signal_Source implementation of a SignalSource.
    + The Osmosdr_Signal_Source implementation learned a new
      parameter if_bw to manually set the bandwidth of the
      bandpass filter on the radio frontend.
    + The new configuration parameter Channels_XX.RF_channel_ID
      allows to specify the signal source per channel group.
    + New configuration parameter PVT.use_unhealthy_sats, set by
      default to false, allows processing observables of satellites
      that report an unhealthy status in the navigation message
      if set to true.
    + Added the Geohash of the PVT solution in the internal logs.
    + Allowed the CMake project to be a sub-project.
- gnMAX support patch rebased and renamed to
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1036438 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 77)
- gnMAX support patch updated to match current template and renamed
  to gnss-sdr-0.0.17-add-gnmax-support.patch
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 1034967 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 75)
- Modernized gnMAX support patch
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) committed (revision 73)
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 992461 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 72)
- Enable LimeSDR frontend
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 984750 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 71)
- Enable ORC compiler
- Workaround for build on Leap 15.4
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 984606 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 70)
- Enable ORC compiler
- Workaround for build on Leap 15.4
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) accepted request 976937 from Wojciech Kazubski's avatar Wojciech Kazubski (wkazubski) (revision 69)
Workaround for Tumbleweed: disable PlutoSDR due to problems with libiio
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 88
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