Loop up IP addresses in GeoIP database

Edit Package apache2-mod_geoip

mod_geoip looks up the IP address of the client end user in MaxMind's GeoIP
country database.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-use-AP_DECLARE_MODULE-if-possible-in-apache-2.4.patch 0000000660 660 Bytes
apache2-mod_geoip.changes 0000007669 7.49 KB
apache2-mod_geoip.dsc 0000000260 260 Bytes
apache2-mod_geoip.spec 0000002477 2.42 KB
debian.changelog 0000001257 1.23 KB
debian.tar.gz 0000003058 2.99 KB
geoip-api-mod_geoip2-1.2.10.tar.gz 0000015595 15.2 KB
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