GeoLocation Framework

Edit Package geoclue2

GeoClue is a software framework which can be used to enable geospatial
awareness in applications. GeoClue uses the D-Bus inter-process
communication mechanism to provide location information

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-ichnaea-include-ssid.patch 0000002516 2.46 KB
0002-ichnaea-replace-user-agent.patch 0000001544 1.51 KB
0003-user-agent-os-info.patch 0000004023 3.93 KB
geoclue-2.7.2.tar.bz2 0000108472 106 KB
geoclue2-rpmlintrc 0000000402 402 Bytes
geoclue2.changes 0000036306 35.5 KB
geoclue2.spec 0000006411 6.26 KB
srvGeoClue.conf 0000000096 96 Bytes
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