Edit Package numatop

NumaTOP is an observation tool for runtime memory locality characterization
and analysis of processes and threads running on a NUMA system. It helps the
user characterize the NUMA behavior of processes and threads and identify
where the NUMA-related performance bottlenecks reside.
Numatop is supported on Intel Xeon processors: 5500-series, 6500/7500-series,
5600 series, E7-x8xx-series, and E5-16xx/24xx/26xx/46xx-series.
E5-16xx/24xx/26xx/46xx-series should be updated to latest CPU microcode
(microcode must be 0x618+ or 0x70c+). Kernel 3.9 or higher is required.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
numatop.changes 0000002694 2.63 KB
numatop.spec 0000002205 2.15 KB
v2.5.1.tar.gz 0000107963 105 KB
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