GOCR--Optical Character Recognition

Edit Package gocr

GOCR is a free OCR (Optical Character Recognition) project that
provides a library, a command line version, and an X interface.
Although the program is in an early development state, the results are
very impressive.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
gocr-0.41-pgm.patch 0000001186 1.16 KB
gocr-0.41.dif 0000000240 240 Bytes
gocr-0.41.tar.bz2 0000610325 596 KB
gocr-overflow.patch 0000000312 312 Bytes
gocr.changes 0000005004 4.89 KB
gocr.desktop 0000000057 57 Bytes
gocr.spec 0000005939 5.8 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
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