Support for One-Time Passwords

Edit Package opie

OPIE stands for One-time Passwords In Everything. One-time passwords
can be used to foil password sniffers because they cannot be reused by
the attacker.

This package provides a PAM module and several utility programs that
let you use one-time passwords for authentication.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000005 5 Bytes
opie-2.4-bison.patch 0000007483 7.31 KB
opie-2.4-cxx.patch 0000000488 488 Bytes
opie-2.4-decl.diff 0000002256 2.2 KB
opie-2.4-nonvoid.patch 0000000091 91 Bytes
opie-2.4-noroot.patch 0000004173 4.08 KB
opie-2.4-nul-overflow.patch 0000000452 452 Bytes
opie-2.4-undef.patch 0000000226 226 Bytes
opie-2.4.diff 0000009183 8.97 KB
opie-2.4.newseed.diff 0000000331 331 Bytes
opie-2.4.tar.bz2 0000132339 129 KB
opie-2.4_array-subscript.patch 0000000394 394 Bytes
opie.changes 0000005243 5.12 KB
opie.spec 0000006033 5.89 KB
pam_opie-0.21.diff 0000001508 1.47 KB
pam_opie-0.21.tar.bz2 0000035211 34.4 KB
pam_opie-0.21_array-subscript.patch 0000000394 394 Bytes
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
uint4_def.patch 0000000325 325 Bytes
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