Mozilla's Calendar Application

Edit Package MozillaSunbird

The Sunbird Project is a redesign of the Mozilla Calendar component.
Thegoal is to produce a cross-platform stand-alone calendar application
basedon Mozilla's XUL user interface language. At the moment, Sunbird
is a project name. It is not official and may change in the future. The
intended user is someone who uses Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla
Thunderbird and wants a calendar application based on Mozilla.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
MozillaSunbird-rpmlintrc 0000000029 29 Bytes
MozillaSunbird.changes 0000008538 8.34 KB
MozillaSunbird.spec 0000009258 9.04 KB
abuild.patch 0000005812 5.68 KB 0000000143 143 Bytes
l10n-0.9.tar.bz2 0003050835 2.91 MB
locale.patch 0000000773 773 Bytes
missing-return.patch 0000000350 350 Bytes
mozilla-gcc4.3-fixes.patch 0000003777 3.69 KB
mozilla-gcc44.patch 0000000706 706 Bytes
mozilla-path_len.patch 0000006262 6.12 KB
nss-opt.patch 0000000867 867 Bytes
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
sunbird-0.9-source.tar.bz2 0040783733 38.9 MB
sunbird-shared-nssdb.patch 0000010145 9.91 KB
sunbird.desktop 0000000308 308 Bytes
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