Glitz--OpenGL Image Compositing Library

Edit Package glitz

Glitz is an OpenGL image compositing library. Glitz provides
Porter/Duff compositing of images and implicit mask generation for
geometric primitives, including trapezoids, triangles, and rectangles.
The semantics of Glitz are designed to precisely match the
specification of the X Render extension. Glitz not only implements X
Render features, like component alpha and image transformations, but
also support for additional features like convolution filters and color
gradients, which are not currently part of the X Render specification.
The performance and capabilities of Glitz are very dependent on
thegraphics hardware. Glitz does not in any way handle software
fallbacks when graphics hardware is insufficient. However, it will
report if any requested operation cannot be carried out by thegraphics
hardware, making a higher level software layer responsible for
appropriate actions.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000035 35 Bytes
glitz-0.5.6.tar.bz2 0000313762 306 KB
glitz-libtool.patch 0000000694 694 Bytes
glitz.changes 0000003464 3.38 KB
glitz.spec 0000006155 6.01 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
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