TCP/IP Network Monitor

Edit Package iptraf

IPTraf is a console-based network statistics utility. It gathers a
variety of information such as TCP connection packet and byte counts,
interface statistics and activity indicators, TCP/UDP traffic
breakdowns, and LAN station packet and byte counts.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
iptraf-3.0.0-dev.patch 0000001677 1.64 KB
iptraf-3.0.0-euid-fix.patch 0000000320 320 Bytes
iptraf-3.0.0-fd.patch 0000000213 213 Bytes
iptraf-3.0.0-headers.patch 0000000959 959 Bytes
iptraf-3.0.0-lines.patch 0000007147 6.98 KB
iptraf-3.0.0-strict-aliasing.patch 0000009040 8.83 KB
iptraf-3.0.0-support.patch 0000000455 455 Bytes
iptraf-3.0.0-uninitialized.patch 0000000241 241 Bytes
iptraf-3.0.0.patch 0000002168 2.12 KB
iptraf-3.0.0.tar.bz2 0000430104 420 KB
iptraf.changes 0000005083 4.96 KB
iptraf.spec 0000005258 5.13 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
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