Ping and Traceroute Network Diagnostic Tool

Edit Package mtr

Mtr is a network diagnostic tool that combines Ping and Traceroute into
one program. This package contains the mtr version with an ncurses
interface, in other words, the text mode version is usable in a shell
(telnet or SSH session, for example).

Find the graphical version in the mtr-gtk package.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
mtr-0.75-manmtr.patch 0000000280 280 Bytes
mtr-0.75-manxmtr.patch 0000002569 2.51 KB
mtr-0.75-nonvoid.patch 0000000256 256 Bytes
mtr-0.75-sec_snprintf.patch 0000000202 202 Bytes
mtr-0.75.tar.bz2 0000149005 146 KB
mtr.changes 0000007075 6.91 KB
mtr.gif 0000001912 1.87 KB
mtr.spec 0000008826 8.62 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
xmtr.desktop 0000000104 104 Bytes
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