Dictionaries for TuxWordSmith

Edit Package TuxWordSmith-dictionaries

Dictionaries in different languages for TuxWordSmith.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Czech-English.tar.bz2 0000817123 798 KB
English-Brazilian-Portuguese.tar.bz2 0000207993 203 KB
English-German.tar.bz2 0001324020 1.26 MB
English-Turkish.tar.bz2 0000027836 27.2 KB
German-Hungarian.tar.bz2 0000247082 241 KB
German-Russian.tar.bz2 0002998862 2.86 MB
Italian-English.tar.bz2 0000141692 138 KB
Italian-Russian-Zorko.tar.bz2 0002446521 2.33 MB
Polish-English.tar.bz2 0000056553 55.2 KB
Russian-English.tar.bz2 0001638158 1.56 MB
Russian-Finnish.tar.bz2 0003532896 3.37 MB
Russian-German.tar.bz2 0001082132 1.03 MB
Spanish-Castillian-English.tar.bz2 0000233460 228 KB
Turkish-English.tar.bz2 0000027914 27.3 KB
TuxWordSmith-dictionaries.changes 0000000145 145 Bytes
TuxWordSmith-dictionaries.spec 0000008538 8.34 KB
Comments 3

nilari nilari's avatar

Thanks! TuxWordSmith brings utilities for dictionary search. The article's clever design allows you to download white screen online to your computer for free and have fun with them.

tracy berge's avatar

TuxWord Smith also has the capability to distribute letters dynamically as it computes the occurrence and frequency of use in each of its dictionary. The number of letters per word may also be set to give the game another twist. This open-source software is compatible with various operating system versions which include that of Windows, Mac and Linux. Donkey Kong

Logan Moore's avatar

I recently ordered an essay from succulent alley and I must say, their service exceeded my expectations. The content was well-researched and beautifully written. Highly recommend!

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