MOPAC7 is a semi-empirical quantum-mechanics code

Edit Package mopac7

The purpose of this project is to maintain MOPAC7 as a stand-alone program as well as a library that provides the functionality of MOPAC7 to other programs.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000012 12 Bytes
mopac7-1.14-libdir.patch 0000000323 323 Bytes
mopac7-1.14-random_data.patch 0000000403 403 Bytes
mopac7-1.15.tar.gz 0000764547 747 KB
mopac7-fortify.patch 0000000874 874 Bytes
mopac7.changes 0000003217 3.14 KB
mopac7.spec 0000003640 3.55 KB
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