Tux Typing is an educational typing tutor for children. It features several different types of gameplay, at a variety of difficulty levels.

Edit Package tuxtype

For Teachers: Teachers will find the new Tuxtyping to be a more moldable tool they can use in there classrooms. It is easier now (and will become even easier) to group the types of exercises, words and characters into a lesson!

For Parents: Your kids will play for more than minutes now and learning all the time! Tuxtyping has lots of new toys to play with for them! (But don't let me catch you playing after the kids go to bed!)

For Kids: Tux is challenged with the task of protecting 9 cities! More challenging game play in all the games!

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
tuxtype-1.8.1.tar.bz2 0011366142 10.8 MB
tuxtype-rpmlintrc 0000000395 395 Bytes
tuxtype.changes 0000008014 7.83 KB
tuxtype.spec 0000005074 4.96 KB
tuxtype_w_fonts-1.8.1-install.patch 0000000562 562 Bytes
tuxtype_w_fonts-1.8.1.tar.bz2 0011366142 10.8 MB
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