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Edit Package xaralx

Xara Xtreme for Linux is a powerful, general purpose vector graphics program for Unix
platforms including Linux, FreeBSD and (in development) OS-X. Formely known as
Xara LX, it is based on Xara Xtreme for Windows, which is the fastest graphics
program available, period. The Xara Xtreme source code was made available
open-source in early 2006, and is being ported to Linux. This process is almost
complete and Xara Xtreme for Linux is available for download now.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
XARFormatDocument.pdf 0002386987 2.28 MB
XaraLX-0.7r1785-missing-declaration.patch 0000000485 485 Bytes
XaraLX-0.7r1785.tar.bz2 0027547620 26.3 MB
XaraLX.changes 0000003072 3 KB
XaraLX.po 0000501779 490 KB
XaraLX.spec 0000005783 5.65 KB
abuild.diff 0000001423 1.39 KB
xaralx-0.7r1785-libpng15.patch 0000010680 10.4 KB
xaralx-gsocket.patch 0000000409 409 Bytes
xaralx-libpng.patch 0000001992 1.95 KB
xaralx-missing_lib.patch 0000000719 719 Bytes
xaralx-pragma.patch 0000000580 580 Bytes
xaralx.desktop 0000000603 603 Bytes
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