Spreadsheet Application

Edit Package gnumeric

Gnumeric is a spreadsheet application with advanced features and
analytics. It aims to minimize the cost of transition from proprietary
spreadsheets by offering a familiar look and feature set. In addition
to read and write support for all versions of Microsoft Excel
(including reading encrypted files), there is also support for many
other formats including:

*Applix 4 and 5 *DIF *Lotus-123 (wk1, wk2, wk3) *OpenOffice.org (Oasis)
*PlanPerfect (pln) *Psion5 *Quattro Pro (wb1, wb2, wb3) *SYLK

Text formats, such as comma or tab separated values, HTML, XHTML, and
Latex, are supported and there are powerful assistants to handle custom

Gnumeric is part of the GNOME project.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000750 750 Bytes
gnumeric-1.12.59.obscpio 0142360590 136 MB
gnumeric-rpmlintrc 0000000553 553 Bytes
gnumeric.changes 0000127041 124 KB
gnumeric.obsinfo 0000000099 99 Bytes
gnumeric.spec 0000006712 6.55 KB
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