Settings daemon for the GNOME desktop

Edit Package gnome-settings-daemon

gnome-settings-daemon provides a daemon run by all GNOME sessions to
provide live access to configuration settings and the changes done to
them as well as basic services like a clipboard manager, controlling
the startup of the screensaver, etc.

This module was previously part of GNOME Control Center, but has been
splitted from it for a more general use.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-usb-protection-Treat-hubs-and-HID-devices-like-any-o.patch 0000007112 6.95 KB
_service 0000000717 717 Bytes
gnome-settings-daemon-47.2.obscpio 0015339021 14.6 MB
gnome-settings-daemon-fix-stop-service.patch 0000004092 4 KB
gnome-settings-daemon-initial-keyboard.patch 0000002643 2.58 KB
gnome-settings-daemon-more-power-button-actions.patch 0000001147 1.12 KB
gnome-settings-daemon-notify-idle-resumed.patch 0000005279 5.16 KB
gnome-settings-daemon-switch-Japanese-default-input-to-mozc.patch 0000000727 727 Bytes
gnome-settings-daemon.changes 0000209366 204 KB
gnome-settings-daemon.obsinfo 0000000109 109 Bytes
gnome-settings-daemon.spec 0000012788 12.5 KB
Comments 4

Alexei Podvalsky's avatar

Why do we need nautilus as recommended dependency?

Ultimately, this causes problems when trying to exclude unwanted package.

E.g: X11:Pantheon:Next/elementary-files/elementary-files.changes

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

the spec file explains this:

# For housekeeping plugin, that uses the nautilus dbus service
Recommends:     nautilus

the g-s-d plugin calls out to nautilus;

Alexei Podvalsky's avatar

gsd-housekeeping not found in gnome-settings-daemon >= 3.22

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar
# rpm -ql gnome-settings-daemon | grep house

and that is with GNOME 3.28...

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