Library supporting "Deferred Execution" for GNOME and GTK

Edit Package libdex

Dex is a library supporting "Deferred Execution" with the explicit
goal of integrating with GNOME and GTK-based applications.
It provides primatives for supporting futures in a variety of ways
with both read-only and writable views. Additionally, integration
with existing asynchronous-based APIs is provided through the use
of wrapper promises.
"Fibers" are implemented which allows for writing synchronous
looking code which calls asynchronous APIs from GIO underneath.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000712 712 Bytes
libdex-0.8.1.obscpio 0000692236 676 KB
libdex.changes 0000005897 5.76 KB
libdex.obsinfo 0000000095 95 Bytes
libdex.spec 0000003748 3.66 KB
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