Plugin to sign/verify a project artifact and attachments using jarsigner

Edit Package maven-jarsigner-plugin

This plugin provides the capability to sign or verify
a project artifact and attachments using jarsigner.

If you need to sign a project artifact and all attached artifacts,
just configure the sign goal appropriately in your pom.xml
for the signing to occur automatically during the package phase.

If you need to verify the signatures of a project artifact
and all attached artifacts, just configure the verify goal
appropriately in your pom.xml for the verification to occur
automatically during the verify phase.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed 0000074688 72.9 KB
maven-jarsigner-plugin.changes 0000000896 896 Bytes
maven-jarsigner-plugin.spec 0000002875 2.81 KB
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