XWayland Video Bridge

Edit Package xwaylandvideobridge

By design, X11 applications can't access window or screen contents for wayland clients.
This is fine in principle, but it breaks screen sharing in tools like Discord, MS Teams, Skype, etc and more.
This tool allows us to share specific windows to X11 clients, but within the control of the user at all times.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Remove-duplicate-StartupNotify-entry.patch 0000000916 916 Bytes
_service 0000000648 648 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000251 251 Bytes
xwaylandvideobridge-0.4.0+git12.obscpio 0000169995 166 KB
xwaylandvideobridge.changes 0000000947 947 Bytes
xwaylandvideobridge.obsinfo 0000000114 114 Bytes
xwaylandvideobridge.spec 0000003944 3.85 KB
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