KDE Find File Utility

Edit Package kfind

KFind allows you to search for directories and files.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
applications.keyring 0000005710 5.58 KB
kfind-24.12.1.tar.xz 0000330468 323 KB
kfind-24.12.1.tar.xz.sig 0000000833 833 Bytes
kfind.changes 0000044466 43.4 KB
kfind.spec 0000002519 2.46 KB
Comments 1

Gunner Gewiß's avatar

@krop @luca_b Can KFind be compiled in such a way that it is possible to "maximize" and "minimize"? On right right click, the entries for "maximize" and "minimize" are inactive and the corresponding buttons in the top menu of the GUI window are missing.

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