Qt Library that wraps the gpodder.net Web API
libmygpo-qt5 is a Qt Library that wraps the gpodder.net Web API (http://wiki.gpodder.org/wiki/Web_Services/API_2)
v1.0 wraps nearly every Request from the gpodder.net API except:
- Simple API Calls Downloading subscription Lists & Uploading subscription Lists
- Retrieving Subscription Changes (you should use "Retrieving Updates for a given Device" instead)
- Links to openSUSE:Factory / libmygpo-qt5
- Download package
Checkout Package
osc -A https://api.opensuse.org checkout KDE:Qt:5.15/libmygpo-qt5 && cd $_
- Create Badge
Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename | Size | Changed |
_link | 0000000455 455 Bytes |
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