A font that can render all language autonyms

Edit Package autonym-fonts

If we want to show a large number of languages written in their own scripts
(autonyms), we cannot apply the usual webfonts to it. This is because since
each script require a webfonts, we will end up in using a large number of
webfonts. This can cause large bandwidth usage.

Autonym font tries to solve this. The font contains glyphs and opentype rules
for rendering the language autonyms. And it contains only those glyphs for a
language. For example, for Thai, the font has glyphs required for rendering ไทย

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
AutonymFont_1.0.tar.gz 0000145778 142 KB
autonym-fonts.changes 0000000267 267 Bytes
autonym-fonts.spec 0000001992 1.95 KB
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