Cadson Demak fonts

Edit Package cadsondemak-fonts

Cadson Demak fonts are inspired from an old Thai font design, which give old traditional vibes but works well on modern design.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
AUTHORS.txt 0000000172 172 Bytes
OFL.txt 0000004385 4.28 KB
_service 0000000564 564 Bytes
cadsondemak-fonts.changes 0000001079 1.05 KB
cadsondemak-fonts.spec 0000001709 1.67 KB 0007456848 7.11 MB
Comments 3

Markus S's avatar

Why are you packaging the website and describing the firm instead of packaging the individual fonts and describe them?

andy great's avatar

I did not really make it clear on my last comment, it's not a website, but a simplified github page of the font. About the description, I will fix it soon.

andy great's avatar

Just fix description and use _service file to fetch source.

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