Distributed Replicated Block Device

Edit Package drbd.13401

Drbd is a distributed replicated block device. It mirrors a block
device over the network to another machine. Think of it as networked
raid 1. It is a building block for setting up clusters.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Module.supported 0000000046 46 Bytes
_service 0000000761 761 Bytes
drbd-9.0.11+git.1e2bccdc.tar.bz2 0000313424 306 KB
drbd.changes 0000064077 62.6 KB
drbd.spec 0000004054 3.96 KB
drbd_git_revision 0000000051 51 Bytes
fix-hang-demote-after-ioerror.patch 0000001358 1.33 KB
fix-kernel-version.patch 0000000610 610 Bytes
fix-potential-double-call-of-drbd_backing_devic.patch 0000003746 3.66 KB
fix-resync-after-resize.patch 0000001186 1.16 KB
fix-resync-finished-with-syncs-have-bits-set.patch 0000000696 696 Bytes
keep-bitmap-in-create-md-kernel.patch 0000000735 735 Bytes
preamble 0000000142 142 Bytes
rely-on-sb-handlers.patch 0000001942 1.9 KB
remove_rece_deadlock_conn_lost_in_resync.patch 0000004774 4.66 KB
wait_event_replace_ee_empty.patch 0000002163 2.11 KB
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