Application interface to the kernel's distributed lock manager

Edit Package libdlm.2250

Libraries and tools that allow applications, particularly filesystems
like OCFS2, to interface with the in-kernel distributed lock manager.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-dlm_controld-outputs-explicit-info-about-stateful-me.patch 0000002491 2.43 KB
Makefile-for-diff-arch.patch 0000000763 763 Bytes
bnc#874705nodes-without-quorum.patch 0000001325 1.29 KB
libdlm-4.0.4.tar.gz 0000120407 118 KB
libdlm.changes 0000014816 14.5 KB
libdlm.spec 0000004674 4.56 KB
remove-sd-notify.patch 0000000361 361 Bytes
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