Tools for Infrared Receivers

Edit Package lirc

LIRC is a package that supports receiving and sending IR signals with
the most common IR remote controls. It contains a daemon that decodes
and sends IR signals, a mouse daemon that translates IR signals to
mouse movements, and a couple of user programs that allow you to
control your computer with a remote control.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
51-lirc.rules 0000000571 571 Bytes
README.SUSE 0000001431 1.4 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000056 56 Bytes 0000002679 2.62 KB
imon2_conf.patch 0000004176 4.08 KB
lirc-0.9.0.tar.bz2 0000857286 837 KB
lirc.changes 0000021667 21.2 KB
lirc.spec 0000007932 7.75 KB
rc.lirc 0000003800 3.71 KB
sysconfig.lirc 0000001015 1015 Bytes
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