Library to Manipulate Songs and Playlists Stored on an iPod

Edit Package libgpod

libgpod is a library meant to abstract access to iPod content. It
provides an easy-to-use API to retrieve the list of files and
playlists stored on an iPod, modify them, and save them back to the iPod.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-Fix-spelling-errors-in-comments-and-strings-using-co.patch 0000011762 11.5 KB
0002-323-Segmentation-fault-when-opening-ipod.patch 0000001474 1.44 KB
0003-Fixed-PList-deprication.patch 0000001371 1.34 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000009 9 Bytes
libgpod-0.8.3.tar.bz2 0000801903 783 KB
libgpod-swig-3.0.patch 0000000725 725 Bytes
libgpod.changes 0000017665 17.3 KB
libgpod.spec 0000006688 6.53 KB
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