The GNOME Display Manager

Edit Package gdm

The GNOME Display Manager is a system service that is responsible for
providing graphical log-ins and managing local and remote displays.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
X11-displaymanager-gdm 0000000683 683 Bytes 0000000663 663 Bytes
gdm-45.0.1.tar.xz 0000855004 835 KB
gdm-add-runtime-option-to-disable-starting-X-server-as-u.patch 0000006075 5.93 KB
gdm-autologin-sle.pamd 0000000415 415 Bytes
gdm-autologin.pamd 0000000542 542 Bytes
gdm-default-wm.patch 0000000831 831 Bytes
gdm-disable-gnome-initial-setup.patch 0000000960 960 Bytes
gdm-fingerprint-sle.pamd 0000000686 686 Bytes
gdm-fingerprint.pamd 0000000797 797 Bytes
gdm-initial-setup-hardening.patch 0000004075 3.98 KB
gdm-launch-environment.pamd 0000000275 275 Bytes
gdm-restart-session-when-X-server-restart.patch 0000001834 1.79 KB
gdm-s390-not-require-g-s-d_wacom.patch 0000000345 345 Bytes
gdm-sle.pamd 0000000345 345 Bytes
gdm-smartcard-sle.pamd 0000000716 716 Bytes
gdm-smartcard.pamd 0000000830 830 Bytes
gdm-suse-xsession.patch 0000001664 1.63 KB
gdm-switch-to-tty1.patch 0000001554 1.52 KB
gdm-sysconfig-settings.patch 0000034778 34 KB
gdm-xauthlocalhostname.patch 0000004169 4.07 KB
gdm-xvnc-start-session-failed.patch 0000001143 1.12 KB
gdm.changes 0000221982 217 KB
gdm.pamd 0000000511 511 Bytes
gdm.spec 0000017271 16.9 KB
gdm.sysusers 0000000102 102 Bytes
gdm.tmpfiles 0000000256 256 Bytes
gdmflexiserver-wrapper 0000000232 232 Bytes
reserveVT.conf 0000000020 20 Bytes
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