SSHFS synced folder implementation for Vagrant

Edit Package vagrant-sshfs

This Vagrant plugin adds synced folder support for mounting folders from the
Vagrant host into the Vagrant guest via SSHFS. In the default mode it does this
by executing the SSHFS client software within the guest, which creates an SSH
connection from the Vagrant guest back to the Vagrant host.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-Use-opensuse-Tumbleweed.-uname-m-box-instead-of-Fedo.patch 0000000774 774 Bytes
0002-Use-the-root-group-for-the-synced-folders.patch 0000001135 1.11 KB 0000001807 1.76 KB
vagrant-sshfs-1.3.7.tar.gz 0000029355 28.7 KB
vagrant-sshfs-1.3.7.tar.gz.asc 0000000833 833 Bytes
vagrant-sshfs.changes 0000008757 8.55 KB
vagrant-sshfs.keyring 0000032547 31.8 KB
vagrant-sshfs.spec 0000004143 4.05 KB
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