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Source Files
Filename | Size | Changed |
50-nvidia.conf.modprobe | 0000001255 1.23 KB | |
60-nvidia.conf.dracut | 0000000077 77 Bytes | |
60-nvidia.rules | 0000001062 1.04 KB | |
70-nvidia-compute-G06.preset | 0000000151 151 Bytes | |
70-nvidia-video-G06.preset | 0000000346 346 Bytes | |
LICENSE | 0000001211 1.18 KB | |
README | 0000000411 411 Bytes | |
_constraints | 0000000109 109 Bytes | |
_service | 0000000603 603 Bytes | |
alternate-install-present | 0000000146 146 Bytes | |
check-build.sh | 0000000166 166 Bytes | |
generate-service-file.sh | 0000001419 1.39 KB | |
json-to-pci-id-list.py | 0000002010 1.96 KB | |
kmp-filelist | 0000000484 484 Bytes | |
kmp-post.sh | 0000004439 4.33 KB | |
kmp-postun.sh | 0000000807 807 Bytes | |
kmp-pre.sh | 0000000085 85 Bytes | |
kmp-preun.sh | 0000000545 545 Bytes | |
kmp-trigger.sh | 0000004790 4.68 KB | |
my-find-supplements | 0000001205 1.18 KB | |
nvidia-driver-G06.changes | 0000118188 115 KB | |
nvidia-driver-G06.rpmlintrc | 0000000818 818 Bytes | |
nvidia-driver-G06.spec | 0000011411 11.1 KB | |
nvidia-video-G06.changes | 0000117327 115 KB | |
nvidia-video-G06.spec | 0000030089 29.4 KB | |
objtool-fix.patch | 0000000458 458 Bytes | |
pci_ids-570.86.16 | 0000004529 4.42 KB | |
pci_ids-570.86.16.new | 0000001246 1.22 KB | |
preamble | 0000001098 1.07 KB |
Comments 32
The compilation prints lots of objtools warnings with recent updates:
/usr/src/kernel-modules/nvidia-525.116.04-default/nvidia-modeset.o: warning: objtool: _nv000090kms+0x9: 'naked' return found in RETHUNK build
Is there anything to do about these?
Also with 535.54.03
Against which build target does this happen?
Tumbleweed x86_64
Thanks. Indeed. Missed that. Do you think this is new?
The first time I noticed it was after a kernel update ~2weeks ago, but it doesn't have any runtime consequence.
Thanks! It doesn't look related to a kernel change though. Maybe some change in our toolchain on TW ... I'll ask our experts.
Thanks! I filed boo#1212841 to track progress
Yes, let's discuss this in the Bugzilla ticket. I already discussed this, but didn't have an outcome yet. Might take some time and more people to look at it ...
OMG, @sndirsch thank you for the update to 545.29!
Hope it was successfully for you?
fixing some nasty crashes, it (in GNOME on Wayland, that is) definitely was: night mode is available and full-screen videos in Firefox do not crash Firefox anymore, so it's an improvement for sure. OTOH, flickering and frame skips in Visual Studio Code got worse, but, I mean, it's Electron :shrug:Duplicate of https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1217308 ?
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Yes, but 550 is still Beta. I plan to package 550 with the first officially supported release.
One thing Iām curious about. Why does NVIDIA host the repos and not openSUSE, especially since the packages seem to be built by openSUSE and they are just sent over?
That's due to legal issues. I'm tired to discuss this again and again since more than 15 years ...
I think stuff like this could be added to the wiki, so people will stop asking...or at least it easier to just then link it
does the driver support the longterm kernel?
and is it possible to have both default and longterm kernel supported by the driver/kmp on the system?
I can't say right now. But the guy taking care of the longterm kernel on TW is aware of the nvidia driver packages and will look into it once time allows. I'm afraid currently it's problematic to use nvidia driver packages since the longterm kernel uses another package name theme, i.e. no longer kernel-<flavor>, right?
I tried to update the driver from v555.52.04 (beta) to the latest stable 555.58 but it wont boot for me because it keeps complaining about API mismatch: client has v555.58 but for some reason kernel modules are stuck at v555.52.04 ...is this a driver bug?
I package neither v555.52.04 (beta) nor 555.58. You must have tried to package this yourself or installed the driver using the .run shell script archive. Seem you didn't remove the v555.52.04 kernel modules and didn't install the 555.58 kernel modules.
Speaking of 555.58, which is a NFB (New Feature Branch) and I hardly recall ever seeing one being packaged for openSUSE but, is there any chance the driver gets packaged? I am really starving for explicit sync support š
We package only Production Branches since we can only maintain one version. It's not possible to make a bugfix/security release for an older version (example would be 550 here) after going to a newer version (example would be 555 here). At least not with our build service. There is only one package source. I ran into this issue once when updating to a Feature Branch release. I don't want to get into this trouble again.
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to share the information when next Production Branch will be available, which contains support for Wayland Explicit Sync.
This issue is tracked in https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219718
sad (for gamers) but understandable, hopefully with next production release the "nvidia-open-driver-G06" could be added part of the installation, would help mainstream users a lot...especially for MicroOS -based one. (as I don't think there should be any licence issue anymore to prevent this)
(hmm...I was thinking if packman repo should add the Feature Branch for those who want it.)
PS. My kernel module issue was due to using systemd-boot, which apparently broke and left me stuck on an older snapshot. I know it's in the experimental stage and not supported yet :D oh well it was fun
(I used systemd-boot because of encryption; GRUB wouldn't boot properly or, if it did, it looked very ugly. Also, systemd-boot is much cleaner, in general and I loved it when it was still called Gummiboot. I used ChakraOS back then :D :D)
I was already thinking about selecting nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed already during installation by default (on appropriate hardware).
Of course it would be possible to provide Feature Branch nvidia packages via packman, if anybody is willing to do this work.
systemd-boot is not yet prepared for KMPs. See https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1224773
having nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed by default would be great, as that would make so many peoples life easier.
hmm...I dont know how systemdboot has been working for me until now...oh well :D I use grub until fixed (or I might wait for the new agama installer ....have to see :D )
btw. (haven't checked in while if its fixed.) should the driver be in conflict with longterm kernel until they work with driver? as it one of the officially provided kernels but it doesn't work with nvidia, having it conflicted would prevent from pointless complaints ...like mine :D
Using nvdia driver packages with longterm kernels haven't been tested yet. But I expect issues, because the kernel packages are named differently. And there are depandancies to kernel package names.
Hi Stefan, Thanks for the offer to maintain a driver on packman. I would like to volunteer for something like that. I do it anyway, so I'd just be making the work available publicly.
That said, my experience with packaging it on a private OBS instance is that the usual packman-style de-sync with Factory occurs, and for a kernel module, that means breaking updates. The user must be vigilant during every zypper dup, to not update the kernel until they first have the nvidia module rebuilt.
But I think you are right to choose the safer supported drivers, as you do.
I wonder if maybe an alternative package might be considered, which could be maintained here on b.o.o, so as to maintain sync with kernel updates, and also allow users to select the normal package (this one) or if they need the cutting edge features - a common thing for this package especially lately - they could select an alternative package (nvidia-driver-G06-unsupported, or something), which would provide the latest driver, from this one or the less-supported branches (beta, NFB, etc).
I would be happy to maintain a package, or both a beta and nfb package, for something like that where they'd work well for everyone. I fear doing it on packman might lead to breakage, though. Perhaps there's a way around that?
Anyway thanks for all your work, I hope this post doesn't make you regret giving me a screen :D
Meanwhile things have changed. There will be a -cuda name variant of the open driver packages, which you can install together with the user space packages of the CUDA repo. This is currently on 555 feature branch. So that might be a solution for users with Turing or newer cards. See obs://X11:Drivers:Video:Redesign/nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed
Thanks Stefan! That's fantastic news. I hear that the open driver is mostly on par with the closed one, these days. I'll give it a shot, thanks again for all your hard work! Edit: I had a bad time with 555.42.02. The open driver seemed fine, it just is an older one with old bugs. I saw crashes and timing issues known to these older drivers. I thought I should leave a note in case someone was going to try it.
Why is this guy; https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home%3Aahjolinna/nvidia-driver-G06%3Anvidia-video-G06
Allowed to host binary drivers on OBS and this repo isn't?
This is not allowed. If you see such packages on the build service, you can fill delete requests (e.g. https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1204674 ) and click on the "report package" button if you enabled this feature (https://build.opensuse.org/my/beta_features)