
Edit Package vulkan-loader
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Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_scmsync.obsinfo 0000000160 160 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000071 71 Bytes
build.specials.obscpio 0000000256 256 Bytes
vulkan-loader.changes 0000028780 28.1 KB
vulkan-loader.spec 0000003194 3.12 KB
vulkan-sdk-1.4.309.0.tar.gz 0001761949 1.68 MB
Comments 4

Anatoly Bobrov's avatar

Could you please add baselibs.conf so it was possible to run 32-bit vulkan applications on 64-bit systems?

Dmitriy P's avatar

I think there are some problems with linking vulkan with wayland:
Next command will show fatal error: wayland-client.h: No such file or directory only on openSUSE with both vulkan-devel and wayland-devel installed:

#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
int main() {return 0;}" | gcc -x c -

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

I would argue that the use of -DVK_USE_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_KHR is such an explicit and willful direct use of an extension[1] that you must also use pkg-config wayland-client --cflags --libs, or make indirect use (if that exists?) of the Wayland extension(s).

[1] 's opinion: “The VK_USE_PLATFORM_*_KHR macros do not need to be defined for the Vulkan part of GLFW to work. Define them only if you are using these extensions directly.”

Dmitriy P's avatar

I don't use GLFW at all, it's only shortest problem representation I found
However, I face this problem trying to use this golang package
As I found in the source, they use this flag

However, I think it still this package problem, or maybe wayland package
As I found, wayland headers in openSUSE only moved from /usr/include to /usr/include/wayland
Maintainer link this issue in spec file (line 149)
And while wayland headers moved, vulkan should be patched for this (or not vulkan, if different package used to keep this stuff together)

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