Default Window Manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment

Edit Package xfwm4

xfwm4 is the default Xfce window manager which manages the placement of
application windows on the screen, provides beautiful window decorations,
manages workspaces or virtual desktops and natively supports multiscreen mode.
It provides its own compositing manager for true transparency and shadows. The
Xfce window manager also includes a keyboard shorcuts editor for user specific
commands and basic windows manipulations and provides a preferences dialog for
advanced tweaks.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000708 708 Bytes
ce9f6e1187867c4fbb7935e08a9ab4d9d8dea8c3.patch 0000000737 737 Bytes
xfwm4-4.18.0.tar.bz2 0001220901 1.16 MB
xfwm4.changes 0000045450 44.4 KB
xfwm4.spec 0000004670 4.56 KB
xfwm4.xml 0000000143 143 Bytes
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