Perl extension for checking validity of MARC records

Edit Package perl-MARC-Lint

Module for checking validity of MARC records. 99% of the users will want to do something like is shown in the synopsis. The other intrepid 1% will overload the MARC::Lint module's methods and provide their own special field-level checking.

What this means is that if you have certain requirements, such as making sure that all 952 tags have a certain call number in them, you can write a function that checks for that, and still get all the benefits of the MARC::Lint framework.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
MARC-Lint_1.52.tar.gz 0000080713 78.8 KB
perl-MARC-Lint.changes 0000003322 3.24 KB
perl-MARC-Lint.spec 0000002102 2.05 KB
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