Split any SQL code into atomic statements

Edit Package perl-SQL-SplitStatement

This is a simple module which tries to split any SQL code, even including
non-standard extensions, into the atomic statements it is composed of.

The logic used to split the SQL code is more sophisticated than a raw split
on the ; (semicolon) character: first, various different statement terminator
tokens are recognized (see below for the list), then this module is able to
correctly handle the presence of said tokens inside identifiers, values,
comments, BEGIN ... END blocks (even nested), dollar-quoted strings, MySQL
custom DELIMITERs, procedural code etc.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
SQL-SplitStatement-1.00023.tar.gz 0000063709 62.2 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000923 923 Bytes
perl-SQL-SplitStatement.changes 0000001061 1.04 KB
perl-SQL-SplitStatement.spec 0000003463 3.38 KB
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