
Edit Package lapce

Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000206 206 Bytes
_service 0000000755 755 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000228 228 Bytes
lapce-0.4.2.tar.zst 0002389061 2.28 MB
lapce.changes 0000053963 52.7 KB
lapce.spec 0000004054 3.96 KB
vendor.tar.zst 0090437974 86.2 MB
Comments 5

Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar

No energy to maintain this, please do reply if you want to take over. Thanks!

Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar

I will continue though. Until someone licks it.

Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar

seems this package dont really like to update its deps

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