
Edit Package SmartDeblur

SmartDeblur is a user friendly and useful tool for restoring blurry and defocused images. Blurry images are universal in our life. There are many causes of that: camera shakes, defocussing, artificial blur via photo editors like Photoshop or Gimp. Many people think that blurring is an irreversible operation and the information in this case is lost for good. But it is not quite true - now you can restore your blurry images using SmartDeblur. New release features a blind deblurring module which can automatically identify and remove complicated blur patterns in an image. Just load your image and click on the "Analyze Blur" button - the rest will be done automatically!

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
SmartDeblur-1.27+git.20181028T170851~5af573c.tar.xz 0002384320 2.27 MB
SmartDeblur-nonoss-updates.patch 0000000748 748 Bytes
SmartDeblur.changes 0000000467 467 Bytes
SmartDeblur.spec 0000001967 1.92 KB
_service 0000000512 512 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000243 243 Bytes
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