A universal flash programming utility

Edit Package flashrom

flashrom is a universal flash programming utility for DIP, PLCC, or
SPI flash ROM chips. It can be used to flash BIOS/LinuxBIOS/firmware
images, for example.

Ollie Lo
Stefan Reinauer
Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
Luc Verhaegen

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
flashrom-v1.5.1.tar.xz 0004774496 4.55 MB
flashrom-v1.5.1.tar.xz.asc 0000000195 195 Bytes
flashrom.changes 0000013324 13 KB
flashrom.keyring 0000625904 611 KB
flashrom.spec 0000004303 4.2 KB
Comments 2

Guillaume GARDET's avatar

Could you enable build on aarch64, please?

Thomas Renninger's avatar

Would be great to get the one or other fix, so that it also builds there...

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