Guillaume GARDET's avatar

Guillaume GARDET


Involved Projects and Packages

Commonly referred to as GRASS, this is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization.


KEALib provides an implementation of the GDAL data model. The format
supports raster attribute tables, image pyramids, meta-data and in-built
statistics while also handling very large files and compression throughout.

Based on the HDF5 standard, it also provides a base from which other
formats can be derived and is a good choice for long term data archiving.
An independent software library (libkea) provides complete access to the
KEA image format and a GDAL driver allowing KEA images to be used from any
GDAL supported software.

IOTA stand for "Infrastructure pour l’Occupation des sols par Traitement Automatique".

This is a module for OTB.

OGR is the vector half of the GDAL spatial data access library. It allows access to a large number of GIS data formats using a simple C API for data reading and writing. Since OGR exposes a simple table structure and PostgreSQL foreign data wrappers allow access to table structures, the fit seems pretty perfect.


QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities.

This is the Long Time Release version of QGIS, maintained for at least 1 year.

OTB provider for QGIS Processing. Please set OTB Application folder and OTB folder to '/usr' in QGIS options.

SAGA (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) provides (geo-)scientists an effective but easy learnable and user friendly platform for the implementation of geoscientific methods using SAGA's API. SAGA is written in C++ programming language and follows an object oriented approach.

Leap 15.2 is EOL on 31/12/2021, so the project is disabled.

The ARM Neoverse N1 SDP requires a special kernel to boot, and because of its pre-production nature, the required changes can not be accepted upstream. Use these Images to get started with SUSE Linux on the N1 SDP, and this repository for kernel updates.

The ARM Neoverse N1 SDP requires a special kernel to boot, and because of its pre-production nature, the required changes can not be accepted upstream. Use these Images to get started with SUSE Linux on the N1 SDP, and this repository for kernel updates.

The ARM Neoverse N1 SDP requires a special kernel to boot, and because of its pre-production nature, the required changes can not be accepted upstream. Use these Images to get started with SUSE Linux on the N1 SDP, and this repository for kernel updates.

The ARM Neoverse N1 SDP requires a special kernel to boot, and because of its pre-production nature, the required changes can not be accepted upstream. Use these Images to get started with SUSE Linux on the N1 SDP, and this repository for kernel updates.


Lightweight Kubernetes


LLVM D Compiler

* wasm3 passes the WebAssembly spec testsuite and is able to run many WASI apps.
* Minimum useful system requirements: ~64Kb for code and ~10Kb RAM

MySQL DBI driver module for the Qore Programming Language ("mysql"). The MySQL driver is character set aware and supports multithreading, transaction management, and stored procedure execution.

PostgreSQL DBI driver module for the Qore Programming Language ("pgsql"). The PostgreSQL driver is character set aware, supports multithreading, transaction management, stored prodedure and function execution, etc.

The Qore uuid module provides the ability to generate and parse UUIDs (universally unique identifiers)

This project provides pascal compilers as well as devel tools for developing cli/gui pascal applications.

Freepascal is a free 32/64bit Pascal Compiler. It comes with a run-time
library and is fully compatible with Turbo Pascal 7.0 and nearly Delphi
compatible. Some extensions are added to the language, like function
overloading and generics. Shared libraries can be linked. This package
contains commandline compiler and utils. Provided units are the runtime
library (RTL), free component library (FCL) and the base and extra

AsyncClick ist a fork of Click that works well with trio or asyncio.

Click is a Python package for creating command line interfaces
in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It's the "Command
Line Interface Creation Kit". It is configurable, and comes with
defaults out of the box.

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