SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Scanner Drivers

Edit Package sane-backends

The software consists of SANE scanner drivers,
"scanimage," and the "saned" daemon.

A SANE scanner driver is used via a SANE front-end.
This package contains the command line front-end "scanimage".
There are graphical front-ends in other packages like
XSane (package xsane), Skanlite for KDE4 (package skanlite),
and Kooka for KDE3 (package kdegraphics3-scan).

The "saned" daemon provides the service "sane-port"
to access scanners that are connected to a server
via network from client hosts that run the "net" meta driver.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
adapt_epkowa.desc_for_yast2-scanner.patch 0000178172 174 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000043 43 Bytes
configure.patch 0000000547 547 Bytes
create_hpaio.desc_from_models.dat 0000003646 3.56 KB
create_sane-backends-autoconfig.rules 0000005535 5.41 KB
create_scanner_database 0000006754 6.6 KB
models.dat 0000830517 811 KB
no-descriptions-external-hpoj.patch 0000000456 456 Bytes
sane-backends-1.0.29.git20200530.tar.gz 0005891426 5.62 MB
sane-backends.builttime.patch 0000002872 2.8 KB
sane-backends.changes 0000073161 71.4 KB
sane-backends.spec 0000027317 26.7 KB
sane-port 0000000337 337 Bytes
sane.reg 0000000393 393 Bytes
saned.socket 0000000132 132 Bytes
saned@.service 0000000430 430 Bytes
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