Webinterface to Administrate MySQL and MariaDB instances

Edit Package phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB.
Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
phpMyAdmin-5.2.2-all-languages.tar.xz 0007539088 7.19 MB
phpMyAdmin-5.2.2-all-languages.tar.xz.asc 0000000833 833 Bytes
phpMyAdmin-config.patch 0000012230 11.9 KB
phpMyAdmin-pma.patch 0000001025 1 KB
phpMyAdmin-rpmlintrc 0000000094 94 Bytes
phpMyAdmin.changes 0000246098 240 KB
phpMyAdmin.http 0000002499 2.44 KB
phpMyAdmin.http.inc 0000000557 557 Bytes
phpMyAdmin.keyring 0000034198 33.4 KB
phpMyAdmin.spec 0000010065 9.83 KB
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