An Intelligent Input Bus

Edit Package ibus

IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux OS.
It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface.
It also may help developers to develop input method easily.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
20-defaults-openSUSE.conf 0000000143 143 Bytes
README.SUSE 0000003323 3.25 KB
_multibuild 0000000054 54 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000992 992 Bytes
hide-setup-menu.patch 0000000389 389 Bytes
ibus-1.5.30.tar.gz 0004124084 3.93 MB
ibus-autostart 0000000281 281 Bytes
ibus-autostart.desktop 0000000233 233 Bytes
ibus-disable-engines-preload-in-GNOME.patch 0000000937 937 Bytes
ibus-fix-Signal-does-not-exist.patch 0000000513 513 Bytes
ibus-socket-name-compatibility.patch 0000007669 7.49 KB
ibus-ui-gtk3-restart-via-systemd.patch 0000006073 5.93 KB
ibus-xim-fix-re-focus-after-lock.patch 0000000511 511 Bytes
ibus.changes 0000058779 57.4 KB
ibus.spec 0000014974 14.6 KB
im-engines-precede-xkb.patch 0000000723 723 Bytes
macros.ibus 0000000745 745 Bytes
setup-switch-im.patch 0000002757 2.69 KB
xim.d-ibus-121 0000001572 1.54 KB
xim.ibus.suse.template 0000000739 739 Bytes
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