A Multimedia Framework

Edit Package pipewire

This is build from the Master branch of pipewire. This is needed because the first step when logging a case is to see if it's already fixed in Master.

I also build-in the performance tuning recommendations from upstream.

PipeWire is a server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines.

Some of its features include:

* Capture and playback of audio and video with minimal latency;
* Real-time Multimedia processing on audio and video;
* Multiprocess architecture to let applications share multimedia content;
* GStreamer plugins for easy use and integration in current applications;
* Sandboxed applications support.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000001130 1.1 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000573 573 Bytes
override.conf 0000000430 430 Bytes
pipewire.changes 0000309858 303 KB
pipewire.spec 0000027092 26.5 KB
reduce-meson-dependency.patch 0000002045 2 KB
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