
Edit Package elpa

A new efficient distributed parallel direct eigenvalue solver for symmetric matrices. It contains both an improved one-step ScaLAPACK type solver (ELPA1) and the two-step solver ELPA2.

ELPA uses the same matrix layout as ScaLAPACK. The actual parallel linear algebra routines are completely rewritten. ELPA1 implements the same linear algebra as traditional solutions (reduction to tridiagonal form by Householder transforms, divide & conquer solution, eigenvector backtransform). In ELPA2, the reduction to tridiagonal form and the corresponding backtransform are
replaced by a two-step version, giving an additional significant performance improvement.

ELPA has demonstrated good scalability for large matrices on up to 294.000 cores of a BlueGene/P system.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Avoid-non-standard-initialization-from-integer-expre.patch 0000000980 980 Bytes
0002-Fix-test-correctness-multiply.patch 0000000777 777 Bytes
debian.changelog 0000002035 1.99 KB
debian.control 0000000827 827 Bytes
debian.libelpa-dev.install 0000000114 114 Bytes
debian.libelpa19.install 0000000023 23 Bytes
debian.rules 0000000890 890 Bytes
elpa-2025.01.001.tar.gz 0002169795 2.07 MB
elpa.changes 0000009405 9.18 KB
elpa.dsc 0000000422 422 Bytes
elpa.spec 0000005939 5.8 KB
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