A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring

Edit Package mangohud

A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000008 8 Bytes
imgui-1.89.9-1-wrap.zip 0000002413 2.36 KB
imgui-1.89.9.tar.gz 0001609452 1.53 MB
implot-0.16-1-wrap.zip 0000001226 1.2 KB
implot-0.16.tar.gz 0000142193 139 KB
mangohud-0.8.0.tar.gz 0014911988 14.2 MB
mangohud.changes 0000018965 18.5 KB
mangohud.spec 0000005394 5.27 KB
vulkan-headers-1.2.158-2-wrap.zip 0000001107 1.08 KB
vulkan-headers-1.2.158.tar.gz 0000831647 812 KB
Comments 3

Giordano Boschetti's avatar

hi! bash: /usr/bin/mangohud: /usr/bin/bash: interprete errato: File o directory non esistente

Dead Mozay's avatar

https://susepaste.org/50971809 Your system is broken, the bash should be located as indicated above

Giordano Boschetti's avatar

require usr/bin/bash at installation, and error on launch... but.. interpeter is on bin/bash

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