A class that forks a process and a drb server for any ruby object

Edit Package rubygem-slave

The Slave class forks a process and starts a drb server in the child using any
object as the server. the process is detached so it is not required (nor
possible) to wait on the child pid. a Heartbeat is set up between the parent
and child processes so that the child will exit of the parent exits for any
reason - preventing orphaned slaves from running indefinitely. the purpose of
Slaves is to be able to easily set up a collection of objects communicating via
drb protocols instead of having to use IPC.

Ara T. Howard

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
gem2rpm.yml 0000001632 1.59 KB
rubygem-slave.changes 0000001028 1 KB
rubygem-slave.spec 0000001659 1.62 KB
slave-1.3.2.gem 0000019456 19 KB
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